We will make this country a better place to live

Most of my family hails from rural eastern Uttar Pradesh ( Maharajganj district) where I used to spend my summer vacations during school days. My cousins from village are all very smart and hardworking people but I saw them getting lagged behind in the employability race due to lack of exposure and opportunities. I was writing business plans related to bridging rural and urban divide and fortunately saw an article in The Hindu about the Social entrepreneurs who were bringing about silent revolution in the rural India.
I immediately quit my secure and well-paying job of Marketing Manager with Times group in 2007 and presented myself for the cause of bridging the rural urban divide, facilitate skills to rural youth and guarantee employment to them near their village or district.
This was done by leveraging ICT enabled solutions in rural India by starting a Social Enterprise called eJeevika HR Pvt. Ltd in collaboration with IIT Madras Rural technology business incubator (www.rtbi.in) under the mentorship of learned Professor Ashok Jhunjhunwala of IIT Madras.